What Evidence Do You Need to Support Your Lemon Law Claim in Oregon?

Oregon’s Lemon Law may allow you to receive compensation if you have a defective new vehicle. However, you must provide the manufacturer with reasonable repair attempts before filing for arbitration. An experienced Lemon Law attorney will help you with this process.

A reputable lawyer will not charge you upfront or ask for a percentage of your buyback judgment. Instead, they will focus on providing speedy buybacks and resolutions to your case.

Repair Invoices

To qualify as a lemon under state law, a vehicle must be subject to repeated unresolved problems that significantly reduce its value or utility. Vehicles that meet this definition may be eligible for replacement or refunds, including rental car fees, while the vehicle is out of service.

A key piece of evidence in any lemon law claim is repair invoices. These documents show the date, location, and results of every attempt to address a problem with your car. You must request these documents from your dealership or manufacturer each time you bring your vehicle in for repairs and keep a copy of all invoices, repair logs, and other records you receive.

Many states require that lemon law claims go through arbitration before a lawsuit can be filed in court. The presence of an experienced attorney on your side can improve your odds of a successful resolution. If the manufacturer can’t offer you a satisfactory settlement, your lawyer will file suit in court to recover the compensation that you deserve.

Oregon lemon laws are a vital tool for consumers who purchase what often turns out to be one of their largest purchases – a new car. The primary purpose of these laws is to encourage vehicle manufacturers to actually fix defects rather than buy back and sell the same vehicles that turn out to be defective.

Repair Orders

A repair order is a document a dealer creates whenever they attempt to fix your car. They include a description of the issue, what was done and when. This is a critical piece of evidence to support your lemon law claim. In addition to saving your repair invoices, you should keep a detailed calendar of when you dropped off and picked up your car after each repair attempt. This can serve as a replacement for or in addition to your repair orders and provides further proof of an unreasonable number of repair attempts.

For most states, including Oregon, a vehicle can qualify as a lemon if the dealership or manufacturer has a reasonable number of attempts to repair a substantial problem within a specified amount of time after the original purchase date. A considerable problem is generally viewed as one that affects the vehicle’s utility, safety or value.

Having clear, specific descriptions of your problems and what repairs you have requested will help the dealership and manufacturer find and resolve them quickly and effectively. It is important always to be respectful when describing your issues and never to suggest they are your fault or that you did something wrong. It is helpful to have Oregon lemon law lawyers guide you through this process to ensure your rights are protected.

Vehicle Sales Documents

The vehicle sales documents you receive from the dealership when you purchase or lease your car are vital evidence for a lemon law case. This document provides crucial information about your vehicle, including the date of sale, the purchase price, aftermarket purchases and rebates, and trade-in information. This information can significantly impact the amount of money you may be entitled to receive as a refund should your case be successful.

If your new vehicle has a serious defect that is “severe enough to substantially impair the use, value or safety of the vehicle,” Oregon’s lemon laws protect you by giving you the right to return it to the manufacturer for a full refund or replacement. However, the law only applies to new vehicles, and certain criteria must be met to qualify for protection.

To initiate a lemon law claim, you must notify the manufacturer of the problem by certified mail and give them a reasonable opportunity to fix it. Then, you must participate in the manufacturer’s informal dispute settlement procedure if they offer one and, if unsuccessful, begin a lawsuit.

Keeping meticulous records and having all the relevant documentation at your fingertips is essential when filing a lemon law claim. By maintaining these records, you are in the best position to argue your case before an arbitrator or jury successfully.


The more documentation you can produce supporting your lemon law claim, the stronger your case will be. While you may only need some of the documents listed above, it is a good idea to start collecting and keeping these items together in a file. This will help when you need to produce them for court or arbitration.

If you’ve purchased a new vehicle that meets Oregon’s lemon law requirements, you can get a refund of your purchase price, a replacement vehicle or cash compensation. To qualify as a lemon, your car must have significant problems impairing its operation, value or safety.

Although state lemon laws vary and are often complex, if your car has met the Oregon Lemon Law criteria, you have a strong claim to recoup your money or receive a new vehicle. Manufacturers often try to trick consumers into taking their claims to arbitration. While they claim arbitration is cheap, quick and painless – the truth is that it’s a ploy to avoid paying you the money you deserve for your lemon car or truck.

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